Tuesday, May 24, 2011

SIFF Report May 23 and May 24

I do recommend any film rated B- or better......

Cluttered, chaotic stories of unsung heroes during genocide of World War 2, and trying to tie that into the genocide in current day Darfur and other African countries---some individual stories are moving, but rushed through and awkwardly presented with embarrassing "recreations" and testimonials that seem too sanctimonious and pompous. Some viewers were moved--I was greatly annoyed and disappointed. Perhaps this subject matter needs to be handled as a mini-series with more quality time to present so much information. But as a documentary film, this one is awful.

Two gay British men, strangers, one a self professed loner, the other deeply closeted, meet for sex, then spend the rest of the weekend being transformed by their relationship. Subtle, introspective and thoughtful. Sometimes needed subtitles due to accents, but a very nice, satisfying, LITTLE film.

Chased by the gangsters from whom Riva has stolen a truckload of precious, scarce gasoline in the Congo, and by the military, and by everyone he meets, this is one lively, sexy, racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, and at times, disgusting film. But it is NOT BORING.

Filmed locally, the slim story has a budding lesbian becoming a caretaker for an infirmed older man. Well acted and photographed, but it amounts to too little too late--obscure plot wise.

Solid documentary about trying to teach teen age girls to be kinder to themselves and each other, this could have a huge impact in high schools all over the world. An inspiring eye-opener in how teens girls relate to each other in destructive ways.

Quiet chamber piece about a lesbian couple with a baby on the way, climbing a Norwegian mountain to mourn the loss of their young son several years earlier, and hopefully grow closer as a couple. Short (73 minutes) and effective.

Six Palestinian and six Israeli teen age girls attend a week long "camp" in the USA, learning to love and respect each other as humans. This thoughtful, strong documentary then follows them back to Palestine and Israel for the following year, with hopeful results.

This delightful Irish surprise, based on a true story, has the school aged friends of Bono and U2 band struggling to make it in the music world--but always in U2's shadow. Goofy and broad at times, but immensely entertaining.

Watchable but unremarkable Danish film about a young man who feels guilty for the accidental death of a friend. There's lots of tulips involved !?!

Breezy and comically whimsical tale of two frustrated Philippine workers in Taiwan trying to make a better life for themselves and their absent families. The film is a charmer, although the ending seemed to drag on 10 minutes too long.

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