Sunday, May 7, 2017


Here's what I saw the first week of screenings:

CHAVELA--USA/Mexico---Riveting profile of Mexican singer Chavela Vargas, a popular lesbian, alcoholic singer, who with the help of director Pedro Almodovar makes an amazing comeback at age 72.  Many friends and lovers provide intimate details of her biography, bringing her story to captivating life.           GRADE-------A-

ETHEL AND ERNEST--Luxembourg--Based on a graphic novel by Raymond Briggs, this animated film is a tribute to his parents, which captures slice of life existence in London from the 1920's through the 1970's as they meet, marry, have a son, struggle through the WWII blitz, etc.  Voiced by Brenda Blethyn and Jim Broadbent, this gentle film brought a continuous smile to my face.  Although animated, this is more of an adult film, suitable for teens and up.             GRADE----B+

FOOD EVOLUTION--US--This is a thoughtful, balanced documentary about the issues involving GMOs, trying to explain what it is and why some are fanatically against it.  Excellent food for thought!             GRADE--B+

PYROMANIAC---Norway---Decent drama about the son of the local fire chief who becomes fascinated with starting fires.  (In case you think I'm giving away any secrets, this is known early in the film.)  Film tries to show the psychological effects on the small town and different characters.

A DRAGON ARRIVES--Iran----No one I talked to seemed to know what the hell was going on in this story of a police inspector who is trying to understand a political murder amidst blackouts, ghost appearances, earthquakes and a baby born beneath the earth surface!  Still, watching it was a curious experience, not entirely unpleasant.                   GRADE-------B

AFTERIMAGE--Poland--The final film of Polish director Andrzej Wajda, this tells the story of Polish artist Wladyslaw Strzeminski, who is persecuted by the the new government because he will not embrace the Socialist Realist movement.  The film looks very good, the actors effective, but the film suffers from a one note feeling from scene to scene--the artist suffers increasing degradation from month to month, and the total effect is grim.            GRADE-------B

LEMON---USA---A SIFF audience is a tough one for comedies.  This absurdest comedy takes some getting used to and there are precious few laughs in the first half, but about half way through I started some giggling during a delightful family sing fest of "A Million Matzaballs" and ended up enjoying the film by the end, although perhaps too little too late.                 GRADE------C+

THE BLOOM OF YESTERDAY----Germany---This comedy/drama about a cranky Holocaust researcher and a new opinionated intern who have a love hate relationship is well acted and cleverly directed, but I didn't like any of these characters, and I found the plotting to border on the distasteful.  I was grateful when this long unpleasant film was finally over.            GRADE-----C+

HELLO DESTROYER---Canada--In a climate of violence, a minor league hockey player injures a fellow player, and is "shoved under the bus" by coaches and fellow players.  This is a worthy subject, but the first hour features mostly EXTREME closeup scenes with a hand held camera, and mostly filmed at night in dimly lit locals.  I couldn't get a look at the characters faces, and there were only two establishing shot in the first hour.  It was so unpleasant and frustrating to watch that I walked out after one hour and ten minutes.                  GRADE----------D

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